Well we didn't get our "SOLD!" sign yet, but it IS official- we bought the house! The title was recorded on Thursday, money was transferred, and we became homeowners! Thank God. It has been so awesome so far. We've met several of the neighbors (one of which brought us homemade chicken nuggets the first night! Sort of weird, but super nice!), met the mailman Lonny, got our utilities set up, and have been unpacking nonstop. The house feels so good. It's really comfortable and has a nice flow between the rooms. And it feels so huge! Even with all our crap stacked everywhere.
Here are some before shots (after shots hopefully to be posted soon after boxes get unpacked and homes are found for all our goodies):
You can really tell the size of the dining room in this shot- our table is dwarfed in that room! Just gives us more room for a new danish modern sideboard piece! I think a field trip to
Silica Three is in order. Don't tell Jeff.

The living room was the first dumping ground for all the little things that don't yet have a home so it's going to be messy for a little while. We're liking the furniture placement though, and when our fancy new flatscreen replaces the bulky old TV, it'll be stylin'. I can't wait to put art up on the walls... they look so bare right now!
Jeff's studio is packed with my sewing stuff plus all our den stuff since we kept the new den empty so the flooring could be replaced. Luckily that was a relatively quick project (pictures coming!) so we'll be moving furniture and stuff into the den tomorrow freeing up the studio so Jeff can start displaying his Be@rbrick dolls.

I am so happy with all of the storage space this house has although filling them up as quickly as I did makes me realize how much stuff I have. We're going to have a garage sale soon to sell some of the fixtures and curtains etc that we'll be replacing so it will be a good opportunity to go through and edit some things I don't use anymore.

Jeff wanted to put his stuff in our bedroom closet too but I sort of filled it up already. He says I have too many clothes, I respectfully disagree.
I'll post pictures of our den transformation soon. We ripped up the carpet, installed the IKEA Tundra floors and new molding, and painted the room a lovely warm gray to complement the white-washed "wood" floors. We are pleased as punch with the first project down. Yay home!
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