Until we all get together for the big party and you get to meet in person, here are some pictures of our family and friends that mean the world to us (just a few of them, Jeff and I will post more pictures of everyone soon):
Starting with the 'rents, these are Jeff's wonderful parents, Sue and Scott.
Here are my parents, Eilif and Diana, on their honeymoon back when men's hairstyles all looked that way. I have more recent photos but this is my favorite and they really do still look like that!

These are pictures of Jen and Jan, our similarly named siblings. Jen's going to be in my bridal party and will be looking just like this (but in chocolate brown probably)! She's completely awesome. I have better pictures of Jan, but I'm working off a memory stick remotely so you'll have to wait for a better picture.
This is my little girl and Jeff's soon-to-be stepdaughter. Look how much she loves him already! She's "special needs".

These our our mates-of-honor! My best friend from San Jose, Matthew (that's my other great friend Max in between us), and Jeff's best friend from San Jose, Mike. Mike could probably take Matthew, look at those muscles! Although Matthew is quick and has cat-like reflexes... Good thing there won't be any fighting at our wedding! Non-choreographed fighting at least.
Here are my other girls! From left there is Brooke, (Me- Vegas makes Liv sleepy), Mandy, and Jen who will be joining Matthew and my future sister-in-law Jen up on the altar with us. Brooke was my old roommate in Costa Mesa and was the best roommie I ever had. She lives in Jersey now! Mandy is so wonderful and President of our Craft Club (guess who's helping with the wedding dress sewing, invitation making, and flower arranging!?), Co-President of our Social Activism Club, and VP of our Recipe Club. Mandy and I are big on clubs. And Jen! One of my bestest friends from San Jose, I love her to bits. She keeps life exciting, doesn't she look like that type? Jen sends me wedding inspiration pictures and is picking out my wedding colors using Pantone swatches. Designers... gotta love 'em.
That's it for now because I have to go to work, but more will posted soon of the boys and the rest of our totally awesome friends and family. Bye!
voted goat, though id love to pet a yeti, i just figured it would be fun to see what the goat will not eat.
Looks like Leopard is in the early lead. Don't know who voted for mini-pony - that guy must be a dork
Yeti All The Way. Who's gonna wear the costume? Castro will make the biggest Yeti, though a short one.
I will volunteer, just gonna need a little extra fabric around the waist and some blocks to stand on.
i can make sure those items are included in our service contract chris. thank you for volunteering. we will call you if the leopard falls out of the top position and our yeti-trapper comes up empty handed.
OMG, this is gonna be awesome. Swell beyond flaming hot Cheetoes even.
Yup, I went there. That JUST happened....I'M ALL JACKED UP ON MOUNTAIN DEW!
Hugs, and my Torrance thugs,
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