Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Chicago's buildings are incredible. The architecture of the city is truly impressive. That being said, I don't think I like Chicago much. Maybe I was just tired from the 2 week vacation or flight, or was comparing it to the Scandinavian cities we just saw, but the subway was dirty and loud and filled with annoying t'nagers, the middle of the city was dark from the buildings shadows, a fat guy on a very busy walking street peed into a cup while sitting down right in front of us, and the wind took my breath away. I was fine leaving. On the plus side, thanks to Jerod's Chicago-in-a-nutshell tour that he emailed me, we had an excellent lunch, got to stretch our legs before our next flight, and Jeff liked it. Here are the few pictures we took there:

BUH-BYE Windy City!

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