So much progress in one little week... That "Sale Pending" sign will be switched out with it's glorious sibling "SOLD!" on Thursday when we get to sign on the dotted line!
We moved in on Saturday!! It went amazingly smooth thanks to all the muscle power from our friends! A major shout-out of thanks to Marc and Rensen, Mandy and Seth, Jerod and Karen, Jan, Pete, Matt and Jana, Mike, and of course Noelle, who all helped get us and all our belongings into the house of our dreams and are likely quite sore today. We were so thrilled to have our stuff and our close friends together in that house, finally, and we celebrated with pizza and beers and crazy tree pod fights in the backyard. Good times.
We started the day bright and early picking up the Daisy keys, gatorade and water (Primo! Compostable water bottles made from plants! And only $2.99 for a 12 pack!), healthy snacks, and a 16 foot Budget truck. We thought we could fit everything in one trip. HA! It took a solid two trips.
Here we are evaluating the garage contents and inspecting the wedding Yeti for black widows. Mandy found one. She was so brave.
If anyone wants a moldy 7' tall yeti, please contact me. Otherwise he will terrorize the neighborhood children for a week from the alley dumpster.
Jeff's Be@rbricks got their own ride in Rensen's truck. Heaven forbid a box should be scratched in the moving truck...
Jerod and Seth were MVPs with Budget truck Tetris. Nothing tipped over or broke in the move! And Jeff was driving so that says a lot.

The house looks so empty right now. Poor Lily Mae is pretty confused so we're giving her lots of attention so she doesn't think we're leaving her there. Not that she likes lots of attention from us...

This cabinet rounding the tight staircase corner was the hardest part of the move. Even with a physicist present and directing it was hard!
More pics of Daisy coming up once boxes are unpacked! Also on the to-do list: den flooring. I went out and bought 9 boxes of Ikea's white-washed Tundra flooring on Sunday and with some guidance from Jerod, we're hoping to have it installed by next weekend. DIY! We were going to go with professional installation of cork flooring from Lowe's but $1700 vs $317 swung it. Plus the white-washed wood looks so Scandinavian, I really like it. Hope it looks good after Jeff and I are done with it!
1 comment:
Congrats Happy Homeowners!!! :) See, good things do happen to good people :)
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